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“Before we can make real progress in the medical use of psychedelics, we need to cultivate mainstream acceptance of these substances."

Claudia Schwarz-Plaschg

Websites & Articles EN/NL/PT



European Commission



"As you explore the promising world of psychedelic healing, MAPS is your partner for science-based information, learning, and experiences."



MAPS Europe


"Since 2018, MAPS Europe has focused on training study therapists in preparation for the planned European Phase 3 trial, MAPP–3. The MDMA Therapy Training Program includes an online course, an experiential component, role play, and supervision of the trainee’s first MDMA-assisted therapy participant. With European therapist training complete, the focus is now on completing the Phase 2 open-label, lead-in, Phase 2 study, MP-18."



Imperial College London


"Our revolutionary Centre focuses on the action and clinical use of psychedelics, with a particular focus on researching the treatment of depression."



Psychedelics Europe


"Psychedelic Harm Reduction & Integration in the Community - PsychedelicsEUROPE supports establishment of the EU-wide regulatory framework that promotes medicinal use of psychedelic substances to the benefit of patients, stimulate research, harmonizes rules on the market and secures safe and predictable environment for companies and entrepreneurs in Europe."



Zendo Project


Psychedelic Peer Support - "Provides professional comprehensive harm reduction education and support for communities to help inform and transform difficult psychedelic experiences into opportunities for learning and growth."





PSYCHEDELIC ACCESS AND RESEARCH EUROPEAN ALLIANCE - PAREA - "We come together to raise awareness, provide evidence-based policy recommendations and accelerate scientific and policy response, leading to the adoption of a holistic approach to psychedelic novel treatments in Europe."





"The Manual of Psychedelic Support is a comprehensive guide to setting up and running compassionate care services for people having difficult drug experiences at music festivals and similar events."



Johns Hopkins
Medical Center


"To advance the scientific understanding of psychedelics and their potential for treating mental health disorders, enhancing well-being, and expanding our understanding of consciousness."


"Western Science is approaching a paradigm shift of unprecedented proportions, one that will change our concepts of reality and of human nature, bridge the gap between ancient wisdom and modern science, and reconcile the differences between Eastern spirituality and Western pragmatism."
Stanislav Grof in ‘Beyond the Brain’


POPPI Amsterdam


"Poppi is een sociale onderneming. We streven naar een positieve impact op de samenleving en deze ambitie staat centraal in alles wat we doen. Poppi wil met een eerlijk drugsbeleid bijdragen aan een gezonde en veilige samenleving."


Faculdade de
Medicina de Lisboa


"Psicadélicos como terapêutica na Depressão Resistente a Tratamento"

Clínica Universitária de Psiquiatria e Psicologia Médica

Guilherme Marques Gonçalves Pereira





"Psicadélicos: uma nova esperança contra a depressão (e não só)"



Safe Journey


"Disponibilizar informação, opinião e recursos diversos sobre o tema dos psicadélicos, numa plataforma digital tendencialmente em português e destinada a promover a reflexão e a discussão sobre a melhor integração destas ferramentas na sociedade portuguesa. Orientam-nos os valores da segurança e proteção da saúde, respeito pela legalidade e pela ciência, e transparência."





"A SPACE é uma associação de cariz predominantemente científico constituída em maio de 2021 por um grupo de médicos de Psiquiatria que se reuniu com a missão primordial de estudar, difundir e fomentar conhecimento acerca das propriedades e potenciais utilizações terapêuticas de substâncias psicadélicas, substâncias naturais, sintéticas ou semissintéticas capazes de provocar estados alternativos de consciência e detentoras de potencial terapêutico no âmbito da medicina clínica."

Videos not in Youtube



Psychedelica (complete documentary)

"In this ground-breaking original series, experts explore the history and use of psychedelic plants including political ambitions, the perceived shadow side and the proper environment to experience these substances. From the origins of Shamanism to the spiritual expression of modern awakenings, discover the role of sacred medicine as a gateway to expanded consciousness, and its continued influence on humanity."


A Review of Ecstasy: the complete guide Judith Holland Editor 454p (2001)


"One should start by putting things in perspective. The following background is necessary not only for all studies of psychoactive drugs, but for all studies of human behavior"



Realms of the Human Unconscious: Observations from LSD Research Stanislav Grof  142p (1996)


"Stanislov Grof’s book, Realms of the Human Unconscious: Observations from LSD Research (Dutton, 1976), reveals many fascinating accounts from his personal experience while conducting hundreds of LSD sessions with patients. Rupert Sheldrake’s research has also provided detailed accounts of alternate universes and the beings within, indicating that the human mind is not only our most powerful asset but also our most underused asset."



MAPS - Manual: How to Work with Difficult Psychedelic Experiences


"This is a short overview of the material we will cover in this hands-on training. It is based on 30 years of experience sitting for people. It has therapeutic value, but goes beyond therapy and moves into transpersonal and spiritual realms."



The healing journey: new approaches to consciousness Claudio Naranjo 235p (1974)


"Claudio Naranjo's The Healing Journey is a book that provides readers with a look into early psychedelic psychotherapy using XTC type molecules.012 Naranjo was one of the first to explore these magical molecules when they were as legal as sea salt, and he describes the MMDA peak experience as an intensely gratifying moment."



LSD Psychotherapy Stanislav Grof 165p (1979)


"LSD Psychotherapy is a complete account of a remarkable chapter in the ever-continuing inquiry into our transpersonal nature and origins. The controlled studies described in this book reveal exciting and challenging data about the nature of human consciousness, perception, and reality itself. Dr. Stanislav Grof (1931- ) Born in Prague, Czechoslovakia; trained as a Freudian Psychoanalyst at Charles University (M.D.) and the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (Ph.D.)"



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